Wednesday, July 7, 2010

random thoughts

in my posession i have an old rusty birdcage with a horrible plastic blue base. currently in the process of spray painting the base a lovely deep royal green, looking good so far, but am not quite sure of what to do with it. i am thinking of filling it with all different size and width church candles, and making them all melty, kind of like this:

but short of stealing candles from the church i have no idea where to get them, i saw some in a $2 store, but at $4-$10 each i am not about to spend that amount of money on candles, especially since i want a lot. perhaps i could check ebay, hmm.

my next project is also going to be to make a headboard for our bed. i am thinking of just buying a cheap piece of plywood, glueing some cushioning down and then using nailheads to upholster it in some amazing fabric. i dont think its going to be too hard, i want something like this, but perhaps a little simpler.

another project of mine is to brainstorm what to do with my moss balls! my darling llew has been getting me a moss ball whenever he walks past this florist, they look a little like this and i currently have three. im thinking of putting them in a spherical bowl but i am thinking that that is going to be WAY too boring. :(

my most recently finished craft project is this frame. it cost me $1 from the bower center on addison rd in marrickville, right near reverse garbage. (in all honesty two of the best shops EVER when it comes to cheap DIY homewares). it was originally a foul faux wood finish with gold trimmings, vom, but i bought a can of green spraypaint and spent about 2 seconds painting it and this is the finished product :)

over and out

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