Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the story thus far.

this was the first item i ever bought for our abode. green salt and pepper shakers! at $2 each from st vincent de paul in charring cross how could i resist!

balinese painting i found again at st vincent de paul. a little more expensive at $35, but it is hand painted on silk and is to die for. originally came in a fucking terrible silver metal frame but we have since disposed of the frame. it has such an amazing colour palette and the more you look the more interesting things you notice.

collection of jars i found around my house! mini terrariums/herb gardens/vases here we come!

nothing overly exciting, i found some green silk fabric and and old frame and voila. i want clusters of these all around my house, with all different frames and all different fabrics :)

various jugs and things of my mothers that i WILL be stealing, unbeknown to her.

fantastic retro fan my brother found on the side of the road. if i'd thrown out a gem like this i'd be kicking myself. it's important to note that my family are obsessed with "side of the road shit". half of our furnature has come from the side of the road, tips, and one bed up a tree.

i found this amazing piece under my house. it's a specimen drawer from an old museum (at least, i think so) fell in love, must have etc etc. any suggestions on what to do with it? please let me know via comments because at the moment i am at a loss.

also, it's not pictured here but we also have an old wooden vintage ironing board we also found under my house which we plan on painting with black blackboard paint, popping our telephone on top and having a cup of chalk so we can write down phone messages & the like. squeee !

Sorry about the shit quality of photos, its my iphone and untill my father gives me back my camera it will just have to suffice :)

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